The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

જર્મન થી અંગ્રેજી સ્થાવર મિલ્કત Translation Glossary

જર્મન term અંગ્રેજી translation
Untervermietung V Unterverpachtung subletting vs subleasing
Entered by: Thayenga
unterwohnt run down, dilapidated
Unverbaubarkeitsservitut planning restrictions
UR - umbauter Raum gross volume
Varianzverfahren call for proposals
Veranstaltungsimmobilien events venues
Veranstaltungslocation venue
Verbandsfriedhof collective cemetery
Verbilligungsrichtlinie Price reduction guideline
Entered by: Diana Zehetner
verbucherungsfähiger Vertrag contract ready for entry
Veredlung Veredelung= conversion
Verfügungsberechtige/r parties with (or having) the right of disposal
Verfügungsberechtigte entitled (person - s )
Verflechtungsgebiet (politically and commercially) interlinked area; interlocked/interconnected zone/area
Entered by: Beate Lutzebaeck
Vergabeempfehlung recommendation for the award of contract
Vergabezuschlag (usually) award of contract; (rarely) contractor's mark(-)up
Vergleichskaufpreis open market price
Verkehrslage transport infrastructure
Verkehrssicherungspflicht duty of care (property owner's, manufacturer's, etc.)
Verkehrssicherungspflicht duty to implement safety precautions and to ensure building/property upkeep
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Verkehrswert market value
Verletzung über oder unter die Hälfte contract-breach reduction in value over or under the 50% \'laesio enormis\' threshold
Vermakelung / vermakeln listing / to list a property
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Vermessungs- und Liegenschaftsamt Department of Cartography, Survey and Real Estate
Vermietbarkeit rentability
Vermieterregieleistung lessor management services
Entered by: Ted Wozniak
Vermietungsumsatz Leased area
Vermietungsumsätze volume of take-up/total amount of space let
Verordnung über die Miete und Pacht von Wohn- und Geschäftsräumen Ordinance on the renting and leasing of residential and commercial real estate
Entered by: Paula Price
verpachtet rented out
Verpachtung lease agreement entitling the lessee to the proceeds and benefits derived from the leased property
Entered by: Beate Lutzebaeck
Verpachtung /Anpachtung leasing (out) / rental
Verpflichtung, Heizwärme und Warmwasser von XXX zu beziehen obligation to purchase heat and hot water from XX
verrenten pay in installments
verrentete Anliegerbeiträge periodically paid service connection and infrastructure charges
Vers. Building insurance number
Vers. Nr. insurance number
Verschlusssachen-Flächen areas where classified information is stored
Verschreibungskosten legal costs of transfer / conveyancing costs (GB)
versetzt mortgaged
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