The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

જર્મન થી અંગ્રેજી તબીબી : ઉપકરણો Translation Glossary

જર્મન term અંગ્રેજી translation
NCB NCB® (\'Non_Contact-Bridging\'
Entered by: David Tracey, PhD
Nebelleistung nebulizer output
nicht fixierende/NaCL-freie Vorreinigung non-fixative, NaCl-free precleaning
Niedrigsieder low boiler
Nutzstrahlung useful beam/radiation
oberen Geräteseite upper panel of the equipment
Objektivpatrone lens cartridge
Okulartrichter Eye-piece
Entered by: Yuu Andou
OP-leuchtenkamera surgical light camera system/ In-Light Surgical Camera.
OP-Türme surgical stack systems
Opakisierung degrees of opaqueness
Operationspult surgeon('s) console
Optimierungsschleifen additional grinding (to bring the product up to the required specification)
Originalitätssicherungen, Dosierkanülen tamper-proofing / measuring cannula
orthopädische Stifte und Platten orthopedic pins and plates
Passagere Anlage eines Blasenspülkatheters. placement of temporary bladder irrigation system
passieren to pass
pathologiegerecht suitable for pathology testing/examination
PE-Spirale Helical chest CT for pulmonary embolism
Pendelfallknebelschraube tommy screw with double swing plate for clamping
Perfekta Tradename for an elastic bandage
pericardialen Umschlagsfalte pericardial fold / pericardial reflection
Personendosimeter personal dosimeter
Pfannenstückschale acetabular cup
Entered by: Sonja Poeltl
Pflegewagen medical trolley
Pfriem Awl
phakal phakic
Phakotischabdeckung (sterile) table drape for phaco procedures
Pilzelektrode disk electrode
Pinzettenbranche forceps branch
Entered by: Rowan Morrell
Plateauzeit plateau period
Plümper (stirring) spatula
Plegiekatheter cardioplegia catheter
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Plombe (bei Gelenkprothese) (bone cement) spacer
Plombenchirurgie buckle procedure
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Point-Programm DIPS 32 point program DIPS 32
Portanlage port implantation, port insertion, port placement
Portionsflasche measuring bottle
Potentialausgleichbolzen potential equalization (bar) bolts
Entered by: Félicien Sirois
PPR-Automatik (Puls-Pausen-Relations-Automatik) PWM (Pulse Width Modulation)
Entered by: Rowan Morrell
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