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જર્મન થી અંગ્રેજી કાયદો : કરવેરા & કસ્ટમ Translation Glossary

જર્મન term અંગ્રેજી translation
eine/n jüngere/n Steuerberater/in a tax adviser for a junior position with XXX firm
einem Angehörigen eines Geschäftsführers Relative of a manager, managing director, other corporate officer
einfache Steuer Steuerfuss base tax multiplier
Entered by: Sebastian Witte
Eingriffsgesetz interventionist law or encroachment law
einh. einheitlich = uniform / standard
einheitliche und gesonderte Feststellung uniform and separate determination (of profits)
Entered by: Steffen Walter
einheitlicher wirtschaftlicher Geschäftsbetrieb consistent commercial activity
Einheitswert assessed tax value
Entered by: Sebastian Witte
Einheitswertaktenzeichen assessed value file number
Einheitswertbescheid tax value assessment notice
Einkommensteuer Aufteilungsbescheid notice of (BE) apportionment/(AE) allocation of IT between jointly & severally liable parties
Einkommensteuer-Richtlinien (EStR) (German) Income Tax Guidelines
Entered by: Steffen Walter
einlösen obtain
Einspruchsführer appellant
Einzelveranlagung individual (tax) assessment
Endbesteuerung final taxation
endfreigebender Importeur importer obtaining final customs clearance approval through customs broker
Entfernungspauschale distance allowance
enthaltene ungekürzte Gewinne gross income ( from business/self-employment/statement of professional and business activities)
Entlastung easing of the tax burden
Entreicherung disenrichment
Entzollung, Zollabfertigung customs clearance
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Entzollungsdokumente customs clearance documents
Erbfolgevormerk Land Registry noting of the intended devolution of succession
erbrachte Leistungen ohne Leistungen aus der Rückzahlung von Nennkapital payments made excluding the reimbursement of nominal capital
erbrechtliche Auseinandersetzung settlement or division of property under the laws of succession
Erbringung von Buch- und Ausfuhrnachweisen provision of accounting and export receipts
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Erbschaftsteuer als Erbanfallsteuer estate tax as inheritance tax
Erdienbarkeit earnability
Erhebungsstelle payments department/section
Entered by: AllegroTrans
Erhebungsverfahren official collection procedures
Erklärungsfreiheit exempts (foreigners) from liability to report - see discussion and answers provided
Ermittlung des Hypotheken-Bedarfs calculation of the mortgage requirements
Entered by: Thomas Pfann
Ermittlungsgrundlage determination basis
erschienen vor mir in my presence / appeared before me
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Erstattungsveredelung inward processing under customs control
Entered by: Jonathan Whiteley
ertragsabhaengige Steuern earnings-linked or income-based taxes
Ertragsausgleichberechnung yield compensation calculation
Ertragsausgleichverfahren earnings equalization process
ertragssteuerliche Behandlung income tax treatment
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