The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

જર્મન થી અંગ્રેજી નાણાકીય (સામાન્ય) Translation Glossary

જર્મન term અંગ્રેજી translation
Annahme einhalten assumptions (are) feasible/ fulfilled
Annahme gezogener Wechsel Liabilities on bills accepted and drawn
Annuitätentilgung annuity amortization
Annuitätentilgung repayment with constant annual payments composed of principal plus interest
annuitätische Tilgung repayment of loan (credit) in the form of annuity
Anpass. zuschl. neu fest Adjustment Bonus, recently fixed
anrechenbar/Anrechnungsbetrag eligible/weighting
anrechenbare Eigenmittel chargeable or deductible resources/ capital and reserves
anrechnen to credit against
Anrechnungsbetrag settlement amount
Anrechnungserleichterung reduction in capital requirements
Anrechnungsverfahren split-rate imputation system
Entered by: David Seycek
Anreize für fortgeschrittene Ansätze incentives to use advanced approaches
Ansatzfähigkeit applicability
Ansatzpflicht recognition requirement
Ansätze amounts estimated
anschließen adopt
Entered by: Paula Price
Anschlußauktion follow-up auction
Anschlussgeschäft follow up contract
Anschlusszession follow-on assignment
Anschlusszessionen substitute assignments
Entered by: Elisabeth Moser
Anspannung contraction (of the economy)
Ansprache und Akquisition von approach and acquisition
Anstaltslast Anstaltslast / maintenance obligation
Entered by: Karlo Heppner
Anstrich/Gutschrift (1) simple credit order (2) bank to bank payment order (3) payment by funds transfer.
Anteil der Rückstellungen am Kreditvolumen ratio of (loan loss) provisions to total lendings
Anteil führen manage
Entered by: Paula Price
Anteile hochfahren increase somebody's shares (in the company)
anteilig verbunden proportionally committed
Anteilscheingeschäfte investment/securities transactions
Entered by: Susanne Roelands
Anteilsfinanzierung financing of shares/equity financing
Entered by: Daniela Wolff
Anteilsumlauf shares outstanding/shares in issue
Anteilsumschichtung redeployment of (capital shares)
Antizipativität / Unterjährigkeit advance payments/prior to year\'s end
Entered by: Douglas Arnott
Antragsscoring application scoring
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Antrittsvisite initial visit
anweisen issue instructions for payment
Anweisung instruction
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Anwendung an einem Beispiel worked example
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Anzahlungsbankgarantie Down payment bank guarantee
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