The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

ફ્રેન્ચ થી અંગ્રેજી સ્થાવર મિલ્કત Translation Glossary

ફ્રેન્ચ term અંગ્રેજી translation
devenue \"un papillon\" admirable has become an architectural jewel - an architectural marvel
Entered by: Lara Barnett
diagnostic immobilier property survey
Entered by: Tony M
Diagnostic technique solidité Structural survey
Diagnostiqueur Immobilier Buildings (hazards and utilities) inspector
diagnostiqueurs immobiliers building surveyor
différence de contenance (du terrain) [real estate descriptions] discrepancy in the area
Entered by: Tony M
Directeur de programmes Project manager
dispense de purge des hypothèques mortgage release (document)
Entered by: John Fossey
dispositifs de visite inspection access points
division volumétrique volumetric division
documents de sûreté security documetnts/documentation
dommages et intérêts équivalents au préjudice damages corresponding to the loss
Entered by: Tony M
donner ou retirer quittance give or obtain a receipt for any amount paid or received
dossier d’usage standard forms/documents
dossier de titres deed records / dees
double-living double living room
douche escamotable folding shower
droit à bâtir planning permission
droit d'accrochage right to affix
Entered by: AllegroTrans
droit d’usufruit perpétuel right of perpetual usufruct
Droit de préemption renforcé reinforced pre-emption right, reinforced right of pre-emption
Droit de préemption simple simple pre-emption right, simple right of pre-emption
droit de retrait the right to withdraw (from the company)
droit direct direct right / automatic right
droit réel susceptible d'hypothèque mortgageable interest in land
droits charges
droits d'occupation du sol land occupancy rights / right to occupy land
droits immobiliers real property rights
droits sociaux equity interest (in a land-owning company or partnership)
du chef de in respect of
du F1 au F4 from 2 to 5 rooms
d\'aménagement privatif tenant\'s improvement (project)
E,seigne Yes, Enseigne. Sign or Ensign or a brand name for marketing
Elaboration du dernier quittancement drawing up of final rent receipt
elements de representation exhibits/documents submitted (by)
Elevation de cédule hypothécaire Increase in the amount secured under the mortgage deed
emporter (transmission de propriété) entail
emporter reprise automatique acts of the Officers to be deemed acts of the Company
emprise covered area
en aggloméré made of aggregate OR of bonded material
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