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ફ્રેન્ચ થી અંગ્રેજી કાયદો (સામાન્ય) Translation Glossary

ફ્રેન્ચ term અંગ્રેજી translation
affaire émargée matter verified, confirmed vs. arisen
Affaire: Contre X... devenu M. EEXIGREQUE Comment
Entered by: Andrew Bruch
affecté (here) must be considered bound to a right held by such person
Entered by: Wyley Powell
affecté (here) used as
Entered by: Wyley Powell
affecter changed / modified
affirmant en avoir fait l'avance averring to have advanced such costs
affirmation (de procès-verbal) "affirmation" (de procès-verbal) + definition (see answer)
affirmation de droit (AE) affidavit; (BE) statutory declaration
affirmation de la qualité héréditaire Statutory declaration of entitlement to inherit; (USA, if sworn) Affidavit of Heirship
Affirmation de sincérité Statement of truth
Affirme avoir traduit les présentes au mandant qui a déclaré les avoir pour agré I confirm that I have conveyed the present to the responsible
affouillement du sol ground giving way or collapsing
afin d'éviter tout délais et ainsi accélérer le paiement in order to avoid all delays and to accelerate payment
afin de redressement judiciaire for placement under receivership
Entered by: EirTranslations
agent de l'etat government official/employee
Agent de Patrimoine heritage officer
agents chargés du contrôle des étrangers immigration officers
Entered by: Ivana UK
agir en justice take legal action
agissant par son commandité acting by its general (corporate) partner
agissant poursuites et diligences acting through / represented by
Agissant poursuites et diligences de son représentant légal acting by its legal representative
agissant poursuites et diligences en la personne de son Président acting in all actions and proceedings on behalf of its President
agissant sur poursuites et diligences de son représentant légal acting in these proceedings through its legal representative
Entered by: Carla Selyer
agrée par l'ordonnance ministérielle approved by ministerial decree
Entered by: Carla Selyer
agrégé de l'enseignement secondaire inférieur university-qualified teacher at lower secondary-education level
agression externe death by unnatural causes
aide à la jeunesse youth counselors (youth counseling)
aide juridique legal assistance
Aides de droit commun General benefit/s and allowances under the ordinary law
ainsi as well as
ainsi fait, jugé, et prononcé It is thus ordered, adjudged and decreed
ainsi jugé et prononcé It is therefore ordered, adjudged and decreed
ainsi qu'il appert de cette lettre produite comme pièce P-9 as shown in this letter submitted as exhibit P-9
Entered by: David BUICK
ainsi qu’elle avisera as she sees fit / as she deems appropriate
Entered by: EirTranslations
ainsi qu’il le déclare as stated by etc.
aj. (entête de note de bas de page) added
AJP sollicitée à l\'audience Aide Juridique Provisionnelle > legal aid
aléas de calendrier unplanned/unforeseen schedule changes
aliéner et grever de droits réels les immeubles transfer (alienate) and charge immovable property
alimentaire maintenance
Entered by: Karen Stokes
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