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ફ્રેન્ચ થી અંગ્રેજી કાયદો (સામાન્ય) Translation Glossary

ફ્રેન્ચ term અંગ્રેજી translation
sommation interpellative summon for documents
demanderesse en garantie / défendeur en garantie third-party plaintiff-claimant/third-party defendant
2° du 3 de l’article 158 Article 158(3)(2) of the General Taxation Code
alliés en ligne co-latérale affines in collateral line
antériorités those with a prior claim/prior claims
auxquelles il n\'aurait pas été renoncé Which wouldn\'t have been waived
Entered by: EirTranslations
avocat général Assistant Public Prosecutor
à parts égales par souches in equal shares per stirpes
émanations entities
Entered by: EirTranslations
établie à sa charge for acts she has already been duly charged/prosecuted
casier judiciaire central casier judiciaire central
constat d\'audience record of the court hearing
contrats de travail et contrats d'entreprise employment contracts and service contracts
délivrera des mains-levées partielles shall issue partial releases
delivré en brevet fait à... delivered in original drawn up / done at / issued at....
Entered by: Yolanda Broad
droit des sûretés Surety law
droit a été reprise the right was included/drafted into
En détournant ses pouvoirs By abusing their authority
et qui auraient le même objet. and which pertain/pertaining to the same subject
Entered by: Yvonne Gallagher
inférieures à 3,5/7 less than 3.5/7 (on the pain scale)
Entered by: Paula Price
interprète assermenté auprès de la cour nationale du droit d'asile sworn interpreter to the National Court of Asylum
Entered by: Nathalie Stewart
intervenants volontaires parties applying to be joined
la centrale prison (for offenders with sentences of more than two years)
le dossier de demande d'avis request for opinion
le jugement viendra en cassation devant la cour suprême will be overturned on appeal to the supreme court
lettres de dénonciation (serve loan) repudiation notice letters
licence 3 de Droit privé Law degree (or third year of the degree)
lien d’indivisibilité bond of indivisibility
même et semblable état same and like state
Entered by: Joan Berglund
notes en défense taking notes for the defence
opposition à la sortie de territoire to object to the child\'s leaving France
ordonné sous astreinte ordered upon penalty
Entered by: AllegroTrans
partage successoral transactionnel negotiated estate settlement
Entered by: AllegroTrans
pour écrou for prison records
Entered by: Kpy
presentant l'ensemble des postes de bilan et de resultat displaying all balance sheet and revenue items
procès-verbal de recherche report of attempts to trace
S.I. [Sur interpellation] In answer to a question
Entered by: Yolanda Broad
saisie par la société .... to which company XXX (had) applied
Entered by: Lara Barnett
séant compétente the court having jurisdiction
substituant acting for
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