The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

ફ્રેન્ચ થી અંગ્રેજી શિક્ષણ / શિક્ષણ શાસ્ત્ર Translation Glossary

ફ્રેન્ચ term અંગ્રેજી translation
Beudet Beudet
bi-admissible admitted twice to the competitive exam oral session
bibliographie par support bibliography by media
Bibliothèque Centre Documentaire (School) library
bien formatées en matière de routine well versed in the routine
bien juste hardly/only just satisfactory
bilan Overview (in this particualar context)
bio-pédago a natural learning experience
Biochimie Génie Biologique (Baccalaureat) Biochemistry and Biotechnology (BTS/DUT)
Entered by: abe(L)solano
boîte à bac cramming school
boite cartonnee aimantee magnetic cardboard box
Bonification extra credit (in the form of classes, projects, etc)
bonifications elective clerkship credit bonus points or extra credit points
bourse de progression grant for continuing studies
bourse de résidence residency
branche d'expression expressive arts
Brevet d'études education certificate
Entered by: philippe vandevivere
brevet de maîtrise Certificate of proficiency
Brevet des collèges Brevet des collèges (with explanation)
Brevet Européen du Citoyen European Citizenship Certificate
brevt d'études du premier cycle middle school diploma, junior high school diploma
BTS négociation relation client Advanced Vocational Training Certificate in Customer Relations
bulletin / rapport report card
bulletin d'appreciation assessment report
bureau forcé read-only workspace
C-TD, TP Tutorial, Practical Courses
Entered by: Neal Allen
C.A.S.U.: Conseiller d'administration scolaire et universitaire Administrative Councillor for Secondary and Higher Education
C.B. Mock (entrance) exams
Entered by: Ian Davies
CAAPSAIS certificate of qualification as a Special Educational Needs (SEN) teacher
Entered by: Martin Hoffman
cadre corps
Entered by: Marian Greenfield
cadre ludique educational games context/framework/setting
cahier à volets divider (or subject) notebook, or organizer with document compartment
calcul en ligne ou posé horizontal or column form operations
Entered by: Frensp
calculer en ligne linear/left-to-right calculation
Camp d'anticipation Orientation Workshop
candidat en sciences médicales "Candidat" in medical sciences
Candidature libre independent submission
candidatures en droit two-year university study cycle in law
capacité d'orthoptiste qualification as an orthoptist
Entered by: Gayle Wallimann
capita selecta capita selecta
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