The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

અંગ્રેજી થી ચાઇનિઝ સામાજિક વિજ્ઞાન, સમાજશાસ્ત્ર, નીતીશાસ્ત્ર, વગેરે Translation Glossary

અંગ્રેજી term ચાઇનિઝ translation
Death in Venice 魂断威尼斯
necessary evils 不得已而设置(的设施)
Entered by: Alvin Liu
reimagining 重新构思
Entered by: David Lin
Rockets 火箭队
take stock of our life 回顾人生
working them backward 按由次到好的顺序
25% time commitment (for a certain project) 25% 的付出
Entered by: David Lin
a quasi-national event one suggestion
a single-mandate district 单名选区制/单一选区制
a song cycle with the composer Donald Swann 唐纳德.斯旺所作的一组声乐套曲
a transition to retirement super income stream 向退休金收入流过渡
Entered by: Julia Zou
ability to take action 处世/事应变能力
adequate 尚可
all-party coalition 所有党派的联盟
Americans are not religious people 瓣癸﹙毙ぃ或(ê或)荐癑 or 瓣癸﹙毙ぃ或(ê或)╣荐
And give until it hurts -- with a smile. 试译
Asian American Network for Cancer Awareness, Research & Training 美国亚裔癌症防治宣传,研究与培训网
Entered by: Kevin Yang
Asian-Indian Americans 印度裔美国人
baby boomer 生育高峰期出生的人/嬰兒潮一代
Busters 婴儿谷一代
Entered by: Weiping Tang
Can the location(place of business) of the pageant company be verified? ...地址可以核实吗?
carrer counselor to women's studies 妇女研究(专业)就业顾问
center-left bloc 中左翼(政党)联盟
chaperone 跟班/随同人员
chemical toilets 化学厕所
claim a deduction 要求减税
Entered by: Julia Zou
Claiming races (參加比賽的馬在賽後按議定價格出售的)賽馬會
commodities 设施
continued bad behavior 持续不良表现
controlled landing 引导着陆
cost-efficiently determines 经济高效地
cross-section 跨领域的/多领域的
Entered by: Frank Feng
环球视野 global perspective
decided not to join that venture explanation
demeaning 贬低、羞辱他人的
derivative T nonimmigrant status 从属非移民T类签证
director 负责人/经理
discourse 論述
envisage 表明/显示/预示
Father Time 时光老人、时间老人
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