The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

અંગ્રેજી થી ચાઇનિઝ પ્રસાધનો, સૌંદર્ય Translation Glossary

અંગ્રેજી term ચાઇનિઝ translation
Split-face 半边脸(治疗); 面部分左右两侧
Sporting big night feathers 穿上大夜之羽毛服装
Stake building 增加股份
state-of-the-art 尖端
steam inhalation 蒸气吸入
Entered by: Jiang Xia
stimulate the visual appearance 增强/刺激视觉效果, 增强/刺激直观性
strep bacteria derivatives 链球菌产物
Entered by: Dr. C Li
stretch oneself (勉强地)扩张;勉为其难
stroke backstage 详见说明
structural glycoproteins bathe FYI
sun beds, canopies and cubicles 卧式日光浴机,日光浴晒篷,日光舱
Entered by: Jiang Xia
sunless tanning lotion (免晒型)美黑露
Super Hydroxy-Humectant 超羟基-保湿剂,超羟基保湿剂
Superfruits 神奇抗氧化水果
Entered by: Jiang Xia
superimposed 叠加
superphyco-D 高海藻岐化酶 (SPD)
SynAke 综合抗老保养品/剂
take form from 秉承了/ 根據...而形成
tapotment massage movement 轻叩式按摩法
Target insight 认知目标
to throw down the gauntlet 提出挑战
tone 柔肤/爽肤
Entered by: Jiang Xia
trimmer 修剪器
Tropidolaemus wagleri 瓦氏蝮蛇
Tugging 拉扯
Ultra-pigmented 高颜料含量
under or over 用于妆前或上完粉底之后
upstream 上游
Use the minimum number of strokes. 只需简单几下
Entered by: Jiang Xia
vascular homogenicity 血管同质性
verbal enhancement techniques 提供/增进口头表达(能力)的技巧
vinyl amide 乙烯基酰胺
Vit C facial Foam 维他命C洗面膏
wedding veil edges 新娘面纱围边
Entered by: Liu Peng
White Perfect Partners 美白最佳伴侣
Whiten and Correct 美白遮瑕
wipes 湿(纸)巾/擦拭巾/纸
Woman at the source 女性魅力的源泉
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