The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

ચાઇનિઝ થી અંગ્રેજી ધર્મ Translation Glossary

ચાઇનિઝ term અંગ્રેજી translation
受戒 initiated into monkhood
后弘期的发祥地之一 one of the cradles of the second diffusion of Buddhism
同义堂 Loyalty/Brotherhood school of martial arts
Entered by: albertdeng
大圆满乘教法 Dzogchen teaching practices
Entered by: albertdeng
大自在的“佛道神” \"Buddhist deities\" free of delusion
大成就者 Great adept (Mahasiddha)
Entered by: albertdeng
天地人 Heaven, Earth, and Man (People)
天治 Judgment Day
守持净戒,善法即生 abide by the vow of chastity, live by the law of justice
宗教狂热主义 religious fanaticism
临济正宗常证戒成大师 Master Chang Zheng Jie Cheng of the Linji Sect/School
Entered by: albertdeng
东方教会 东方教诲是相对于西方教会而言的,而东方礼教会则是西方教会的天主教下行希腊礼的一个分支。
世间法与出世间法 worldly dharma (law) and otherworldly dharma (law)
Entered by: albertdeng
三陰交穴 three yin meridian/intersection/acupoint
佐钦神寨 Dzogchen Holy Village
Entered by: albertdeng
供万灯 make light offering
Entered by: albertdeng
修火供 fire pujas
Entered by: albertdeng
灌顶 abhiseca
Entered by: albertdeng
灵韵 divine charm
磕长头 full-body prostrations
竹巴仁波切 Drukpa Rinpoche (Rinpoche of the Drukpa lineage)
Entered by: albertdeng
精神要求 Spiritual needs
约柜 ark
白玛噶旺 Pema Gawang
Entered by: albertdeng
白玛格桑法王 H.H. Pema Kalsang Rinpoche
Entered by: albertdeng
莲花生大士 Guru Rinpoche
道场 Tao Society
Entered by: albertdeng
证实法 validate the Fa (Falun Gong term)
辩经台 arena for scriptural debate
胡人 alien
肉孜节 Eid al Fitr
通天达地 all in one with nature
泽仁罗布活佛 Azin Tulku Rinpoche
有缘人 the right person
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