The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

ચાઇનિઝ થી અંગ્રેજી તબીબી : આરોગ્ય સંભાળ Translation Glossary

ચાઇનિઝ term અંગ્રેજી translation
硫胺素 thiamine (vitamin B1)
Entered by: albertdeng
碳纤维温灸发热层 carbon-fibre mild-moxibustion calefaction Layer
Entered by: albertdeng
神清气爽 Energiser, rejuvenator, revitaliser
科室内部纵向深化 FYI
窈窕瘦身 body toning and slimming
符合能量片 Energy Enhancer patches
Entered by: albertdeng
类风湿 rheumatoid desease
Entered by: albertdeng
精神面貌 vitality and appearance
精气虚乏 deficiency in essence and qi
粘膜稍粗糙 coarsely granular mucosa
Entered by: albertdeng
紫绀 cyanosis-lack of oxygenation
经抢救无效死亡 died despite efforts
细胞恶性转化 cell malignant transformation
猴头菇 Hericium erinaceus
Entered by: albertdeng
眼部A超 A-scan ultrasonography
眼部静态近对比敏感度 Static/near contrast sensitivity
爱婴热线 Baby-Friendly Hotline
痢下红色 bloody diarrhoea
Entered by: Jinfeng Mao
病理征未引出 no pathological sign was elicited
瑞士瑞克西佛CMP药厂 a fake company name
炖盅 stewing mug
瓷锅煲炖 deep cooking/pot-au-feu
生理期不适 period discomfort,menstrual discorfort
甲状腺右叶大部分切除术 right lobe subtotal thyroidectomy
电焊炎热 metal fume fever of welder
焊工热 welder's fever
照前剂量 pre-irradiation dose
牛硫磺 牛硫磺软骨素, chondroitin sulfate
Entered by: albertdeng
随诊 follow-up
Entered by: albertdeng
聚多糖 polysaccharide
Entered by: albertdeng
聋康 rehabilitation for hearing-impaired children/people
面发青紫 His/her face turns bluish.
血外 Vascular Surgery
血虚头痛 headache due to anemia
颈4-7椎体缘 C4 to C7 vertebral body border
颈6/7椎间隙狭窄 narrowed intervertebral space between C6 and C7 (the 6th and 7th cervical vertebrae)
颈前半野技术 half-field technique for anterior neck
规范性引用文件 “Cited normative documents” or “Referenced normative documents”
视物质感改变 changes in visual perception
视物旋转 spinning of objects (or simply \"sensation of spinning\")
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