The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

ચાઇનિઝ થી અંગ્રેજી તબીબી : આરોગ્ય સંભાળ Translation Glossary

ચાઇનિઝ term અંગ્રેજી translation
胺基丁酸 aminobutyric acid
Entered by: albertdeng
AP 前后径
动态增强 Dynamic enhanced
Entered by: albertdeng
基线调查 baseline investigation
埋面,耕沙,熨磨 buring/covering the top/surface, ploughing sand, tilling/sowing granule, ironing grindstone
原生药 crude drug
健保不給付由診所吸收,不另外收錢 Non-reimbursed medical services shall be paid by clinics; no extra charges for patients.
偶发室上性早博 occasional premature supraventricular beat (PSVB)
十二指肠降部 descending duodenum
Entered by: albertdeng
卓尔不凡 TOP HONOR/ exceptional / Chelsea performance / sophistication
口角不偏 mouth not distorted
右肝斜厚 oblique diameter of the right liver lobe
右膈下肋 costas/ribs under right diazoma/diaphragm etc.
Entered by: Baofeng Guo
双瞳孔等大等圆 equal size pupils or pupils of equal size
取各项化验报告单须带就诊卡病历 Lab test results must be collected upon presentation of medical visit card and medical records
发作性胸闷 episodic fits of chest distress
吐词欠清 slurred speech
吹塑层 blow-molded layer
Entered by: albertdeng
填精髓 replenish essence
塉業 cum
多种优雅花类组成展现优雅的气质 cultured flowers of many a variety characterising elegance
复胶海面层 gel-covered spongy/sponge layer/lamella
Entered by: albertdeng
失代偿呼吸性硷中毒 uncompensated respiratory alkalosis
头面风疮 wind sores of the head and face
外阴已婚式 nulliparous introitus (or marital outlet)
定位 located
家本位 familism
實作 simulate
小片状 small patches
屏蔽层 shielding layer
Entered by: albertdeng
左侧偏盲 left hemianopsia
左侧面纹浅 shallow lines on the left side of the face
左侧股骨头置换术后 after left femoral head replacement
中下结构居中 no deviation in midline structures
中科院上海光机所 Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
主任医生 chief physician
主治医生 attending physician
市五外 Shanghai City No. 5 People's Hospital, VIP (foreign) care
一字步不能 unable to walk heel-toe
一直激素 Hormone therapy has always been used
Entered by: jyuan_us
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