Translation Glossaries from the Web
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Данный глоссарий содержит основные аббревиатуры (600 единиц) и международные термины (около 1000 единиц), которые часто фигурируют в материалах клинических исследований лекарственных средств. В глоссарии дан их перевод и при необходимости - комментарии и пояснения по словоупотреблению. Описания проведенных клинических тестов и полученных в ходе эт... View more
Glossary of the European Medicines Agency
European Medicines Agency |
This glossary gives definitions for the main regulatory terms used on this website and in European Medicines Agency (EMA) documents.
Not a glossary as much as a resource for templates for pharmaceutical information, package leaflets and product summaries for medical products in the EU.
"The Working Group on the Quality Review of Documents (QRD) was established in June 1996 and is composed of representatives from Member States' national authorities, the European Commissio... View more
Translation of medications
RAD-AR Council, Japan |
Translation English<>Japanese for medicines. Excellent source for medical translators.
It includes search engine and it allows access to several explanations about great part of those medicines' components. Highly reliable.