The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

સ્પેનીશ થી અંગ્રેજી છૂટક Translation Glossary

સ્પેનીશ term અંગ્રેજી translation
adolece de las principales locomotoras de equipamiento de la persona lacking the main (sales) drivers in the personal apparel segment
BAN BAN (Billing Account Number)
Acuerdo Extrajudicial out-of-court agreement
al sumar la historia de varias culturas empresariales throughout a history spanning various business cultures
asesoramiento de imagen image consulting
Entered by: Mariana Moreira
bajadas (convertir algo teórico en algo tangible) materialize
balancearse wobble
Barra de Visual display rack
bazar (department in a supermarket) miscellaneous household equipment/furnishings
bodegón photo / pictures
burro rack
cadenas de restauración restaurant chains
captacion gathering / attracting / raising / acquiring
Carta de credito pagadera en Argentina a la vista ,a favor del Banco XX letter of credit payable at sight in Argentina, in favour of Bank xxx
cliente a potenciar client targeted for further business
comisión de apertura Administrative Fee
con paso importante (de público) with high levels of passing trade
Entered by: Edward Tully
Conceptos Valorados Valued concepts
corte de operaciones stock movement freeze
Descuento por bonificacion bonus discount
destacados en lineal shelf talkers/wobblers
Duplicado: Emisor Fiscalizacion DG II; Amarillo Duplicate: Issuer - Directorate General Excise Tax control
Entered by: patinba
el área de atención a compras the purchase management department
empresa maquiladora toll manufacturer
entregar hand over
Envío contra reembolso Payment/cash on delivery
estorbo (in this context) any display setting
Entered by: Victoria Frazier
falso cliente fake client/false customer
fidelización building customer loyalty
folio Bis additional page
galería (Peru) store
hasta agotar stock while stocks last
IP inventario perpetuo = permanent inventory
Isla Island display
Jefe de Marketing, Imagen y Comunicación Director of Marketing, Image and Communication
Entered by: Andres Fekete
la caja del día the day\'s takings
línea marrón brown goods
linea de albaran delivery note line
Entered by: Isabelle Villancher
Lista de Distinciones List of Awards; List of Distinctions
Entered by: Silvia Brandon-Pérez
llegan las rebajas de enero comes the January sales
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