The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

પોર્ચુગિઝ થી અંગ્રેજી ટેક્સટાઇલ્સ / પોષાક / ફેશન Translation Glossary

પોર્ચુગિઝ term અંગ્રેજી translation
bata larga baggy smock
"produto para engraxar ou dar brilho" product to polish and shine / polishing and shining product / shoe polish
"seda aia" Aya silk
"vida útil" useful life
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
... acompanhou coleções do estilista observed/kept an eye on the designer's collections
Entered by: Carla Selyer
1 malha + 1 camisa + 1 t-shirt 1 knit + 1 shirt + 1 tee-shirt (T-Shirt)
a camisa c/ babados p/ os homens a man's shirt with ruffles/frills
A diferenciação ocorre por uma identidade o mais composta possível. This differentiation is due to a collective identity composed of the highest possible number of elem
A expedição tem a finalidade de encabidar, paletizar ou encaixotar as peças... Shipping has the purpose of placing on hangers, pallets or boxing the articles ...
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
A quebra de fronteiras... The break of bounderies...
abusar go to town on
Acabamento em Fios, Tecidos e Artefatos Têxteis fabric, thread or textile artifact finish
afinador machine tool setter
algodão trabalhado wrought cotton
algodoeira Cotton Gin
Entered by: judith ryan
Anexo Único Annex / Sole Annex
aparencia atoalhada terry cloth appearance
Aposte nessa nova coleção de roupas. This new clothing collection is a sure bet
aranha spider (wrap)
Aros underwire
assentado fitted well
atemporal timeless
autoral innovative
óculos superiores/inferiores eye wear/glasses top half/bottom half frames
babado ruffles / flounces
Entered by: Ben Kohn
balonê puffball
banca de pesponto stitching center
barbatana busk
barras da saias Hems of the skirts
Bastidor embroidery frame / tambour
Bata / bibe smock
biqueira toecap
boina beret
bojo liso pronto plain bikini top with cup support
bojo meia taça demi cup/half cup
bolsa lancha P small launch bag
bolsa toda nervurada ribbed purse
bolso de navalha Knife Pocket
bornal rucksack / backpack / knapsack
Entered by: Richard Jenkins
bota rasteira low-heeled boots
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