The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

ફ્રેન્ચ થી અંગ્રેજી વિજ્ઞાન (સામાન્ય) Translation Glossary

ફ્રેન્ચ term અંગ્રેજી translation
"départ...retour" "entry....exit/return"
"enceintes de" photovieillissement photoaging chambers
"mise en boite noire" "black-boxing"
a raide de typo for à l'aide de = with or using... an alkaline solution
acides gras maigres "healthy" fatty acids
action treat each one differently
agroalimentaire agri-food
aire sous le pic area under the peak/peak area
Aliments de lest bulk-forming food (fibers)
ASF 1000 [conteneur, 'plastibac'] --- industrial containers ASF 1000 (seems to be 1000 litre, other sizes available; appears to be German in origin)
Entered by: Tony M
atomes estropiés stripped atoms
au niveau de la traduction expressed at the translational level
avec acte with proceedings
à toutes échéances on a short and medium term
éclairement énergétique défini predetermined/given irradiance/{thermal load}
Entered by: Carol Gullidge
être pris to be considered ...
Entered by: Elizabeth Niklewska
cadre rouge red box / red line round
caloporteur coolant fluid
Entered by: Mihaela Sinca
capacité de remplissage filling capability/capacity
caractérisation à terme final-stage characterizing of biological products
cathédrale shielded fume hood
caustiques (this specific context) caustics
cétonide/ cétoine cetonid beetles / beetles of the Cetoniidae family
côtes peu découpées unbroken coastline
Entered by: Ana Vozone
ce qui ne traduit pas une absorption du rayonnement des couleurs bleue, verte et which means that they do not absorb blue/green/yellow colour radiation
cellules de pesées load cell
cellules de remplissage filling chambers
centre d\'intégration nanotechnology integration center
chlore choc stabilisé stabilized chlorine shock
cicatriser par fluage creep recovery
classe en ordre utile classified / shortlisted / retained / make the grade
Entered by: Joan Berglund
coefficient de dilatation isobare isobaric expansion (coefficient)
concernant l’allégation « contribue à diminuer la fixation de certaines bactérie … regarding the claim that this helps inhibit the fixation of certain types of bacteria
concrétisation crystallisation
conditions de surstoechiométrie temporaire temporary superstoichiometric conditions
corps-étranger an immersed solid body
demande de titre patent application
disposée horizontalement sur chant horizontally on edge/with the bottom edge horizontal [in epiradiator fire test]
Entered by: Carol Gullidge
eau permutée permuted water
en action process/active/applied
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