The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

ફ્રેન્ચ થી અંગ્રેજી ધર્મ Translation Glossary

ફ્રેન્ચ term અંગ્રેજી translation
"....ou il a fondé a perpetué un libera en [faux?] Bourdon" where he founded a Libera Me to be sung in perpetuity in faux-bourdon
Entered by: Helen Shiner
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Entered by: Florence Bremond
Aller un peu plus loin One Step Further
alya aliyah
annexé à notre imaginaire captured/fired our imagination
annexé à notre imaginaire Who gave us a/the vision
apologète apoligist / apologete
archevêché archbishop's palace / bishop's house
édifices centrés central plan buildings
Bellement et en paix quietly and in silence
biquoque > bicoque shack, hut
Bonaparte ménage une Vendée encore exsangue Bonaparte was very careful in handling/the way he handled the still battered Vendee
bonté du coeur kindheartedness
Entered by: David BUICK
ce cas est lie 'a notre *pastorale paroissiale'* this case relates to our parish pastoral practice
Entered by: David BUICK
Cenacle Cenacle
chanoines émérites canons emeritus
chaoual Shawwal
Chavouoth Shavuot
coffre de fabrique treasure chest
concerner encompass
cure d'ames pastoral studies
développant ses effets exerting its influence
de "la mort exposée à la mort dérobée" from "prepared to unprepared death"
dessinera (the black cloak)... will for ever conjure up the...
dieu cerf stag-headed god (Cernunnos)
dizainier single-decade rosary
double écoute monitoring
en leur "rachetant" leurs péchés "redeeming" their sins
Etrange situation que celle de... What a strange situation indeed
exacerbation verbale very strong language
Faisant l'expérience Experiencing the communion of saints
fin dernière final goal/ultimate purpose
fouailleur de mauvaise conscience scourge of guilty consciences
génie spirit
Entered by: Neal Allen
gratuité altruism
groupe d'écoute dialogue group
Il se doit donc de s'y conformer He must therefore uphold it
j’en étais très édifiée I found it very uplifting/edifying
l'église de Saint-X St X's (church)
L'officier du culte Officiating Clergy
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