The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

ફ્રેન્ચ થી અંગ્રેજી અન્ય Translation Glossary

ફ્રેન્ચ term અંગ્રેજી translation
fiches solutions solution briefs
"arrivée secteur" power input ; input from power grid ; input from electric network
"cahier de procedures" study procedure instructions (instruction booklet?)
"chute connexe" resulting, related or connate falls
"compte rattaché" other payable account
"droit d'ester" right to take part in court proceedings
"formule d'engagement" undertaking
"j'affirme at j'assume" One thing is certain
"levee d'aveugle" removing the blind(ing)
"methode porte germe" germ-carrier method
"note de synthese de qualification" evaluative summary
"refroidir le livre d'or" kill the guest book
"vapeur de ramonage" [vapor] steam cleaner
' Folcoche', une contraction de 'Folle' et de 'Cochonne' Mad sow!
(rouleau) tressé [fencing] chain-link wire fencing (in roll(s))
1er collège, 2ème collège 1st college, 2nd college
8 sons numériques linéaires multiplexés 8 linear digital sound/audio channels, multiplexed or not
a degre plein full strength
a mis les bouchées doubles has multiplied his efforts
a tout rompre the young girl's heart was pounding
acheteur en centrale d'achat central purchasing buyer
acquise settled up
acte avec contrat transaction
acuité visuelle : 8/10, 1/20, 1/10 visual acuity: 20/25, 20/400, 20/200 or 0.8, 0.05, 0.1
affinent un champ d’investigation narrow down a field of study
Entered by: Mark Radcliffe
affluent tributary
agent communal délégué the delegated registrar
Entered by: Yana Dovgopol
agissent également dans l\'ombre acting in a surreptitious manner
Agrafeuse automatique de barrettes automatic grip fastening stapler
ajustements d’usage normal adjustments / adjustments in use
Allez, osons le proverbe: If you'll pardon the cliché, ...
alliance "anneau plein" plain band wedding ring
alvéole hole
aménagements juridiques legal provisions
Anomalies de relève management of detected (or spotted) anomalies
anoxymetre a piece auriculaire oximeter ear probe
anurique anuric
app [abbreviation] Private E-2 (Pvt)
Entered by: Wyley Powell
appel à la concurrence Competitive bidding
appellation de confiance hallmark of confidence
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