The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

ફ્રેન્ચ થી અંગ્રેજી ભાષાશાસ્ત્ર Translation Glossary

ફ્રેન્ચ term અંગ્રેજી translation
"l’hypothèse d’un narrateur abstrait effacé" '. . .the idea of a hidden, impersonal story-teller . . "
"mouvement de l'esprit" mental movement
...avant d'anticiper exactement votre position, before evaluating your position with precision
...à 10 mètres sur une période de retour de 500 ans 3-second gust wind (speeds) at 10 meters on a recurrence interval/return period of 500 years
3 reprises de mots en milieu de rhèse 3 word corrections during rhesis/speech/statement
a le charisme de susciter le rêve has the charisma to inspire dreams
action d'enlever un accent d'une langue accent neutralization
approche variationniste et sociolinguistique variationist sociolinguistic approach
arabe courant vernacular Arabic (Granadan Arabic in this case)
éloquent de constater enlightening to note
étrennes wish list (here), (more commonly) Christmas or New Year's gift
Ça fleure bon le vin chaud, la canelle et le pain d'épices the air is fragrant with
Étant à l'image de cette clientèle reflecting our clientele
bretèche bartizan
cadenasser to padlock
Entered by: Gayle Wallimann
cas construit case study
Entered by: Patrice
ce sera notre lot quotidien this will be our daily burden
ceci sans crainte d'innovations. innovation notwithstanding
Centre d'études sur les mode de représentation anglophone Center for the Study of modes of representation among English language users.
cité administrative administrative complex/area/block/centre/zone
competences qui a contrait de.. ... a skills deficiency that compelled/enforced (to) that layoff
Entered by: Piotr Fras
contraintes de temps et de connaissance Limited / Lack of time and knowledge
convaincu par les yeux seeing is believing
corpus alignés aligned corpora
couleur innovations
courses de toilettes électriques electric toilet race
dans le droit fil in keeping with, in line with, consistent with
décor backdrop (context: blue-screen technology)
désengoncer to unshackle, liberate, release
dental/gutural dental/guttural
des objectifs de négociation (of) the objectives of negotiation (there is no need to stray from using "objectives" )
des plus réputées prestigious clients
Entered by: Diana Donzelli-Gaudet
dimensionnant restrictive
Dire que ... (And) to think that ...
discours surveillé, bridé, réfléchi moderate, restrained, well-considered discourse
dynamiser la Culture d'entreprise energize corporate culture
en passant All aspects of communication ...from graphic design through editing/printing to strategic consulting
en signe de découragement as if he'd given up
entregent thanks to the good offices
espérer un Au Revoir hope to see you soon
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