The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

અંગ્રેજી થી ચાઇનિઝ વાસ્તુશિલ્પ Translation Glossary

અંગ્રેજી term ચાઇનિઝ translation
induced draft-type cooling towers 排风式凉水塔
A-frame building 尖顶木屋
competition entry 参赛/参选
Entered by: ricochu0311
Components to be included in the site plan 工程地盘平面图內的规划内容
Entered by: David Lin
Country house 乡村别墅
digitized plastic film laminated sunscreen 数字/数码控制的塑料贴膜遮阳百叶窗
discreet lighting 柔和的照明
exotic colors 自然色
gentrification 中产阶级化
Grey water 灰水,或厨房出水
importing 表明/表示
Entered by: William He
Jali screen 穿孔百叶窗
Leaded window 铅框窗/格子窗
linen chute 衣物滑槽
Meshrebeeyeh 凸窗
methyl alcohol 甲醇
Mortar Bed 砂浆层
muqarna 突角拱
oriel window 飘窗
panel systems 嵌板系统
Period room 时代展示间
physically and metaphorically 形似神似
rain gardens 雨水花园
Entered by: Julia Zou
sculpty(rock work) 美国油泥
seamless wash of light 完美的光线浴
Side slaughter articles 辅助性的屠宰工具
Entered by: Katherine Xuan
snaking-podium levels 裙楼层
Stone Strengthener OH 石材增强剂
tear drop plates 泪滴形花纹钢板
Temple of Safety 平安神殿
the green roof 绿色屋顶
Tract houses 成排房屋
Tributary width 一梁之相邻两梁(或墙)半宽中心线之间的水平距离。
tut behind our hands 在背后议论,指指点点。
White sentra (extruded PVC) 白色Sintra(挤压聚乙烯)
Window boxes 窗台上的花盆箱
Wood sunscreen 木制遮阳帘/木制百叶窗
文中用兩種語言說明同一件事時,該如何處理呢^^?? It depends.
数字包括占地面积和建筑面积 the figures include floor space/area and area of structure/building area
Entered by: albertdeng
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