The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

ચાઇનિઝ થી અંગ્રેજી ગણિતશાસ્ત્ર & આંકડાશાસ્ત્ર Translation Glossary

ચાઇનિઝ term અંગ્રેજી translation
50Ķ 3.33 hectares
加成作用 Addition
基数效应 base effect
假定因子 Assumed factor
叠加量化记分法 quantitative scoring method of totaling itemized scores
Entered by: Dr. C Li
可靠性 reliability
变上限定积分作为其上限的函数 a function in the form of a definite integral with a variable upper limit
Entered by: albertdeng
变量关联性的传递效应 Carryover effect of the correlation between variables
参数方程所确定的函数的一阶导数 the first derivative of the function determined by the parameter equation
Entered by: albertdeng
同比增长 growth compared to the same period last year
向量组 vector set, group
Entered by: albertdeng
复合闭路定理 Cauchy-Goursat Theorem on multiple connected domains
Entered by: albertdeng
对数值 Log value
對數成長 logarithmic growth
上年转入指标 objectives carried over from previous year
三层完全多重网格 3-level full multigrid
Entered by: James L.
三角锥形 triangular pyramid
一元函数微分与积分 Differential and integral calculus of one-variable functions
Entered by: albertdeng
平均增长速度查对表 average growth rate check table
幂级数的和函数 a function of the sum of a power series
Entered by: albertdeng
应用Hocheberg法进行多样性分析 multiple-testing of the data should be carried out using the Hochberg method
以各管测定的CPM值复管相加取均值 averaging (or and average) the CMP values
优级数判别法 Weierstrass M-test
圆域 circular domain/region
Entered by: albertdeng
分配数列 frequency distribution
函数增减性和凸性 monotonicity and convexity of functions
Entered by: albertdeng
具有某些特殊自由项的非其次方程 some inhomogeneous equation(s) with special terms to be determined
Entered by: albertdeng
充分条件 必要条件 充要条件 sufficient condition,necessary condition,sufficient and necessary condition
四位常用对数表 four-figure logarithm tables
空间曲线和曲面 spatial curve and surfaces
Entered by: albertdeng
綜合優先值排序 Overall priority ranking
經(問卷資料的)統計、歸納 responses were tallied and grouped
线性拟合 linear fit
统计整理 statistical processing
给出 posit
用多项式逼近函数 to expand a function in a power series and truncate
Entered by: albertdeng
用等价无穷小代换求极限 to evalute the limit by Equivalent Infinitesimal Substitution
Entered by: albertdeng
相鄰 to be adjacent to
隨機亂數 random numbers
頻率變化值 Frequency Variation Value
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