The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

ચાઇનિઝ થી અંગ્રેજી કલા, કલાઓ & હસ્તકલા, રંગકામ Translation Glossary

ચાઇનિઝ term અંગ્રેજી translation
"评定“ and ”年代远近“ value/appraise an artwork by its quality rather than/instead of its age
"性好文学“ was born of true love for literature
鈎勒 outline
嚴重的誤會 Serious (deep) misunderstanding
历任要职 I think so; Ҫְ = an important post
偏黑 Dark
は控ラ anti-ironist
Entered by: albertdeng
博大精深ˇ broad and profound
十一代祖 FYI
卷轴 scroll
Entered by: albertdeng
反串 cross-acting
Entered by: Fang Sheng
古今中外 throughout the history and the world
可同日而語 of a different type of caliber
史書記載 According to historical records
后书法 post calligraphy/post-calligraphic art art
名门望族 Rich/powerful/old/well-known/prominent family
壁画经变故事中台阶 Steps in Sutra Transformations
大乘教 Mahayana Buddhism
Entered by: albertdeng
大开圆解 opening up horizons of universal understanding
天上白玉京,十二楼五城;仙人抚我顶,结发受长生 Majestic white jade capital, 12 towers and 5 gates of the city wall. God touched my head with gentle, then bond hairs and be imm
夺...位 篡位=usurp the throne, seize power, take over power
妙识古今 is knowledgeable about things ancient and modern
妙悟自然,物我兩忘 feel the nature within and self without to a subtle bliss
宝鉴 registries
对时代、人类应负的使命和责任, mission and duty toward the era as well as humanity.
工筆畫 Chinese Fine Brush Painting (Gongbi)
Entered by: Chun Un
上有所好,则下必有甚焉 superiors and inferiors
不媚权贵 the courage of never yielding to dignitaries /would not kowtow to bigwigs
Entered by: Julia Zou
不惜重金 at great expense, spare no money
中國提倡以德治國 China advocates the rule of the state by virtue/virtue-based state rule/
中锋 upright brush
世纪大讲堂 The grand century speech hall
世界安定和平 stability and peace of the world
专业技术职务资格证专用章 Special Stamp for Qualification Certificate of Technical Professional
专文 passages dedicated to...
三字經 The Three-Character Classic
平面广告浏览 print advertisement browsing
交趾烧麒麟盘 交趾烧: Koji pottery 麒麟盘,画麒麟(Qilin)的装饰盘
云帚 duster, horsetail whip
争先献纳 vie to pay tribute with; vie with each other to present/offer/donate (calligraphic masterpieces)
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