The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

ચાઇનિઝ થી અંગ્રેજી ખેતીવાડી Translation Glossary

ચાઇનિઝ term અંગ્રેજી translation
劳动力 labour unit
原种 stock seed/original seed/foundation seed/Wildspecies
垄栽 ridge culture
单层优势 single-layer plant community dominated by...
台南巨農農場 Tenha Organic Farm, Tainan, Taiwan
叶期 leaf stage
Entered by: Kevin Yang
大田种植业 field crop production
中耕除草 cultivating and weeding
作物第二、三节 (自顶端向下数) the second,third node/knop of crops (from top to bottom)
保护地黄瓜 Protected cultivation of cucumber
快热渗双触杀 rapid heat penetrating dual contact
促控栽培 Forcing and retarding culture method
在作物开花前期 in the preflowering period of crops
包心球白(甘兰型) bulbed-up cabbage
农村小康环保行动计划 (National) Environmental Action Plan for Rural Prosperity
农民专业化 farmers' specialisation
纯血马 Thoroughbred
Entered by: albertdeng
羽化孔 Eclosion hole
菊脂类农药 Pyrethrum Type Pesticides
菜用加工型 Vegetable-processing model, type or patttern.
青储饲料切割上料机 Silage cutters/feeders
预混料 premix
香菇代料露天栽培 outdoor cultivation of Lentinus edodes (pasania fungus) with culture medium
鲜冻片猪肉和鲜冻分割猪肉的加工 The processing of fresh and frozen demi carcass pork and pork cuts
肓种场 breeding farm
虫情指数 Pest Index
液態雜項次量微量要素肥料 Liquid fertilizer with secondary nutrients and micronutrients
溫室/網室 greenhouse/screen house
流水序列测定法 flow process sequencing method
施种方式 method (way) of sowing.
整地 soil preparation
曝氣沉澱池 aeration and sedimentation basin
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