Translation glossary: law/business

Showing entries 1-41 of 41
cahier de suiviincident log 
French to English
circunscripción judicialjurisdiction 
Spanish to English
Citefile number / reference number 
Spanish to English
Citefile number / reference number 
Spanish to English
Conocimientos Legislativosknowledge of commercial law 
Spanish to English
consignaciones de hechostatements of fact 
Spanish to English
Débours suivis et frais de mise a FOBdisbursements and FOB charges 
French to English
défenseur d'officepublic defender 
French to English
Disponer/CUENTA DE VALORESdraw on the assets of the account 
Spanish to English
DISPOSICIÓN DEL CAPITAL PRESTADOdistribution of proceeds of the loan 
Spanish to English
ejerza una jurisdicción sustitutivaexercises substitutional jurisdiction 
Spanish to English
el cual se entiende prestado con la firma...which he confirms with his signature... 
Spanish to English
el producto de las, y/o el íntegro del productoproceeds of the funds and/or the funds 
Spanish to English
En contreparties du respect parin consideration of 
French to English
Etant préalablement exposé ce qui suitWhereas [OR, "Recitals"] 
French to English
firma autógrafa, no rúbricacomplete (or full) original signature 
Spanish to English
formalizado la constitución de una garantía pignoraticiahave agreed to provide (for) collateral... 
Spanish to English
Formula AForm A...or Schedule A 
Spanish to English
gestion de inversiones sobre un monto anual base demanagement of investment of a base amount of .... 
Spanish to English
HOA and SPAHeads of Agreement and Share Purchase Agreement 
French to English
l’apport du bénéfice du Bailassignment of the Lease 
French to English
mínimo garantizado en compensaciónguaranteed minimum compensation 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
motivo de pronunciamientoreasons for judgment 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
par devent Messieurs les Président et Jugesbefore the members of the Tribunal 
French to English
pli administratifapplication package / bid package 
French to English
primer punto del orden del díafirst item on the agenda 
Spanish to English
qualités relationnelles et mon sens des responsabilitésinterpersonal skills and sense of responsibility 
French to English
répartition au titre de l'action socialebenefits (fund) 
French to English
se saisir dehas jurisdiction 
French to English
secuela del procesoproceedings 
Spanish to English
services fonctionnelssupport staff 
French to English
Si es evidente que .....That you confirm that.... 
Spanish to English
supuesto de celebracióncontract date(s) 
Spanish to English
supuesto de celebracióncontract date(s) 
Spanish to English
tableaux de bordclient risk summary 
French to English
tableaux de bordclient risk summary 
French to English
taux plancherbest (interest) rate 
French to English
trabajadores de confianzaconfidential employee 
Spanish to English
VENTILATION par TYPOLOGIE (données IPD)breakdown by type 
French to English
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