The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

જર્મન થી અંગ્રેજી વિજ્ઞાપન / જનસંપર્ક Translation Glossary

જર્મન term અંગ્રેજી translation
Nicht grübeln, dübeln! Don't dwell on it - dowel it!
nicht zu fett auftragen don't overdo it
Nordlichter northerner
Null Null Fant (brand name) 00fant (word play on "elephant")
Null-Ausgabe test/pilot issue
Entered by: Ted Wozniak
Objektsektor contract sector
offenes Gesamtbild clear overall picture/image
ohne abgebildeten Inhalt pictured contents not included
Option priority right
Optischer Anlehnung design cues
Ordnung mit Volldampf! full steam ahead to an orderly household
organisches Wachstum organic growth
Entered by: jccantrell
Original-Tastaturbelegung original keyboard layout
Parkplatzaufsteller Car park display
partnerschaftliches Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis a beneficial cost performance ratio
Patenschaft / Aktion Stuhlpatenschaft seat sponsoring
persönliche Bestellannahme personal order service
Plazierung placement
Postporti postal charges
Entered by: Paula Price
PR-Gag PR stunt / publicity gimmick
Preisleistungsverhältnis value for money
Presse-Mitschnittsdienst media [press] monitoring [cutting, clipping] service
Pressearbeit public relations / PR
Pressearbeit press relations
Pressecafé Press café
Pressekontaktbögen press contact form
Pressetermine Press events
prickelnd scintillating
produkt- und angebotsübergreifend across a range of products and services
Produktgesellschaft product partner(s) /(product) partner companies (hier)
Produktivität im Quadrat productivity times four or quadrupled productivity or quadrangulat productivity
Produktwelt product spectrum
Promotion-Strecke promotional effectiveness
Promotionfeld promotion field
Prozessverantwortlicher The person responsible for / the person in charge of
Publikumsmagnet great attraction with the public
Punktrichter Scoring judge
PZ-Anzeige print advertisement
qualitativ überzeugend top quality; of the highest quality
Entered by: Rowan Morrell
Qualität kommt vom Quälen No pain, no gain
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